Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bonjour!It's 2009 and I can feel the winds of change...much like the character, Vianne Rocher, in Chocolat. To live simply is something I am striving for more than ever this new year. My husband, three children, and I have all been learning to enjoy life's little pleasures...the sound of rain as it hits the elephant ears in the garden, the glorious smell of lemons, fresh sheets on the bed, sketching and coloring as a family, reading chapter books aloud at night, and discovering what truly matters. Art Nest is a place to celebrate everyday beauty, hard work, living creatively, artistic achievements and remembering to live simply.

fancy sending me a surprise??
Art Nest_PO Box 33_Hot Springs, AR_71902

e-mail: sittingprettystudio[at!]yahoo[dot]com Subject line: Art Nest

1 comment:

  1. love your "about me" section. So many of us are trying to do the same. Nice to find a kindred spirit!
    Oh JOY!
